Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? The thing is, even in the midst of the melodramatic enunciation, we see that Ravenna is actually anxiously waiting for the answer - her eyes filled with tears of insecurity. This is why I don't hate the film. 

This film, as expected, is a visual delight. Some may even call it a spectacular nightmare, but I beg to differ. That's not to say that I like it, but I surely don't dislike it. I guess it can be described as enjoyable.

The script has many flaws, but had they cut down on the heavy, senseless dialogue, none of the other gaps would be of ANY significance. At the end of the day, it comes down to the showdown between Snowy and her step Mama, and this scene was well-done. So, I will base my review around it.

Aside from a few clumsy camera movements, the visual effects and cinematography can be classified as divine. The grand battle scenes were adequate; better spatial staging would have made these scenes a lot more involving. I guess technical shortcomings are to be expected in a directorial debut. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this film is Oscar-worthy; the costumes truly outshine every other aspect.

Now, you have to admit, even if you hate the film, that's a pretty impressive white stag.

The photographs speak for themselves, so there is no point in praising the excellent make-up. Yes, that would be OVERKILL, something Charlize Theron absolutely *masters*.

To put it mildly, the  *accents* are bad. Kristen Stewart's accent was a lovely mix of Scottish, Irish and ... American, and Chris Hemsworth was mostly incomprehensible. This is why the excessive dialogue was entirely irksome. Anyway, we can sit here and critically analyse Stewart's performance, or we can just recognise she is a bad-ass warrior princess and move on with our lives. I obviously choose the latter, because we have yet to discuss Charlize Theron, and you know what happens when she doesn't get her fix!

Can you blame her for wanting to preserve *that*!?

Theron was... adequate. I love her charismatic, realistic and subtly powerful portrayal of an aged Queen Bee in Young Adult. With Snow White, Theron has thrown any sense of subtlety, among other things, out the window. She puts the O in OVER-ACTING, literally, she rounds out and stretches each and every one of her vowels. Charlize, darling, there is dramatic enunciation and then there's wailing. Yet, she's still the most compelling character. Her delivery is appropriate for the more dramatic moments, but had she dialed it down a couple of notches in the early and quieter scenes, I would have loved it. Point is, she nails the climax. All innuendos intended.

For fear of seeming sexist, I have to include one of these.

Plus, I was absolutely captivated by Ravenna's (Theron) bulging eyes and popping veins, and the woman knows how to scream. The film is a fun, frivolous melodrama, I just wish it was more succinct. 

Verdict: 7/10. Too much useless dialogue, in case you missed the point. Colleen Atwood, once again, proves that she has three Oscars for a very simple reason - no mortal can resist being seduced by her elegant costumes. 

Just to be clear, Ravenna was a supporting character, I just wish that she had won. I don't know if this reflects badly upon moi, as a human being, but I never side with Snow White.

P.S. I am still writing the Prometheus review. Don't give up on me! Love y'all.


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