Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's early in the morning, so this shall be short.

This is an extremely strange film. It is a mix of ABSURD historical fiction and vampire slash-fest. Somehow, though, I think it is very promising. Both the trailer and the Train Escape clip illustrate Bekmambetov's sleek, artistic flair for adrenaline-inducing action sequences; this very theatrical style is the reason why Wanted is so darn thrilling and entertaining .

So, this film could absolutely WORK. All that it needs is humour  and heart, because this market does not have space for another flat, vampire melodrama. Judging by these clips, the director seems to be headed in the right direction, and the film has the epic factor that can draw thrill-seekers. However, to make a profit off of its $70 million budget, it will need to be meaty and fleshy enough to feed our dry veins. All lame jokes intended!

P.S. let's share my beautiful nightmares. Love y'all.


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