Saturday, July 28, 2012

I don't remember much of the 2008 ceremony in Beijing, but by any standard, this year's ceremony simply ROCKED! Selecting Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle to orchestrate the majestic masterpiece was a stroke of genius, the man knows how to wow. He brought drama to the story, the marvellous set  was decorated with enthusiastic performers of every sort and an intensely compelling score. It was almost a cinematic experience, except it was performed live in front of an audience. 

The first moment to sweep me off my feet was the grandiose transition of the stadium; the idyllic countryside was ripped apart and a nightmarish, fiery industrialised world rose from the ground, literally! 

This theatrical sequence was resolved with a climax I shall never forget. Five gigantic rings hovered and glided across the sky before they united to form the glorious Olympic Rings. They glowed like a fluorescent cloud in the misty stadium, and to finish in spectacular fashion, they showered streams of fiery sparkles. That really is worth 42 million dollars!

Boyle mixed live footage and filmed segments effortlessly, with perfect coherence and clear artistic directions. NO ONE will ever forget this Olympic, because James Bond escorted the Queen to the stadium... by parachute! 

For me, the only thing missing was a live Adele performance, but I'm not complaining. A delirious dream of mine, one I thought would never come true, really did come true! Mary Poppins flew into the stadium and banished Lord Voldemort and his dark shadows. A strict and magical nanny fittingly reprimand a naughty boy; these are the spellbinding moments that make life worth living.

Only if Julie Andrews was among those Poppins... I know, I know greed is a sin! I just love that woman.

Let the games begins and may be the odds be ever in your favour!
Love y'all.


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