Sunday, July 15, 2012

Can you believe it? Hollywood is, once again, visiting the land of Oz. Though, could we actually blame them? Oz is a wonderful universe, one which allows for spectacular visuals and iconic characters. The beloved 1939 classic the Wizard of Oz presented icons, and this film offers the exclusive back-story to these famous and notorious personas, and we're absolutely interested. If we weren't, Wicked wouldn't have sold half as many tickets. 

Random Fact: Wicked the musical is the 12th longest-running show in history of Broadway.

Rachel Weisz looks more sinister than ever as the Witch of the East. Be still my flaming heart!

This film looks promising, but so was Alice in Wonderland. I only mention Alice because this trailer explicitly states its connection to Tim Burton's billion-dollar success. They are very similar in many ways; they both offer a different look to famed characters and their stories, and both films possess stellar casts and massive budgets. We can only hope that Oz has a stronger, more inventive script and fearless script that will give us a meaty, new look at the civilians of Oz. The film is successful if, by its denouement, the audience is induced to utter Now I know I've got a heart, because it is breaking. 

Glinda has always been my favourite, I know there is something flawed lurking underneath that flawless complexion.

This trailer is well-crafted, I especially love the transition from noir to colour as the young wizard (James Franco) enters Oz. The film, as expected, will be visually splendid and, to a substantial degree, action-packed. How else could it *replicate* Alice's amazing run at the box office? I have nothing against amazing cinematography, quite the contrary, however, the story beneath all of this chaos must be a heartfelt one. To entertain, it shall have aspects of an adventurous journey, but to move the audience, it needs to confront its' dark themes. The characters' demons are far more intriguing than the toothy fairies and plants that *greet* the wizard. 

Worse comes to worst, this film will still be grounded by its great cast. I think Franco makes a great wizard, to complement his good looks, charms and charisma, this young actor can fill those eyes with anguish and melancholy. I do love a nuanced portrayal. Mila Kunis has the seductive beauty to  paint the Wicked Witch of the West, and yet the sweetness to draw empathy from the audience. The mighty Michelle Williams oozes purity and innocence, but we all know she can satisfy us with shades of grey (terrible joke, considering I don't even read the books). Okay, I feel as though I'm writing a pre-review, which makes no sense, so I shall STOP.

I would buy a ticket just to see that in motion.

Point is, the trailer is marvelous and shows great promise. Ooh! Almost forget to mention the closing scene in the trailer... that is how you scratch a mahogany table. Well, don't fail me, fly my pretties, fly! You didn't think I would end this post without quoting that, did you? 

P.S. I adore Wicked, both the novel and musical, so I'm anxious. Anxiously waiting. Love y'all.


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