Friday, October 12, 2012

My, my, many months have past since I last wrote, Winter has departed, Spring has arrived - officially, anyway - and have I missed you all! I have been feeling rather uninspired, but at long last, inspiration - in the form of a trailer - has struck!

Of his many masterpieces, I have only seen Dial M for Murder, Rear Window, Rebecca and Psycho, and from just this small sample space, I worship the masterful artistry of the visionary that is Alfred Hitchcock. The scissors scene from Dial M for Murder still resonates vividly in me. Perhaps, most famous of all Hitchcock features is Psycho.  Produced on a budget of less than a million, the film went on to gross a whooping fifty million; if that is not considered pure brilliance, I truly don't know what is.

"You shouldn't wait till half-way through, kill her off after thirty minutes."

So, naturally, when it came time to make a Hitchcock biopic, it's only logical to build it around the production of Psycho; and who else, but the godly Anthony Hopkins, could bring the skewed gravitas required for the title role? Then there is Hitchcock's other-half, an eccentric woman crucial to both his personal and professional life. This is potentially problematic, we need someone who can breathe life into this equally quirky half and match the screen presence of Sir Hopkins, oh I know - Dame Helen Mirren! Now, wasn't that easy!? It's amazing when Hollywood illustrates some common sense.

And sometimes... that is all the inspiration that I need.

P.S. Expect reviews, especially one of Looper. Promise. Love y'all.


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