Thursday, July 22, 2010

It has been agesssssssss since the GAGA released her RAUNCHY FLESHY new mv, ALEJANDRO. But of course, it's still MASSIVELY CONTROVERSIAL. It is without doubt the most NAKED mv to date. I'm sure quite a few jaws dropped watching it, but really, it's expected. It's THE GAGA we're talking 'bout. HOW ELSE would she TOPPPPP the TELEPHONE MV!? Seriously, she's got a SUPER-ULTRA-AHHHHHH REP to keep up here. It's hard being A FREAK, soooo imagine how hard it would to be AN EXTRAVAGANTLY POPULAR FREAK!!!

Well personally, I really did feel the HEAT watching it... but whether or not it was TOO HOT... I DON'T KNOW! It was DEFINITELY ARTSY... she had a FUNERAL FOR HER HEART and there were Russian looking dudes in SKANKY UNIFORM... and I MEAN SKANKY! It took me a few views BEFORE I got the scope of it. The cinematography looked GREAT and all, but in the end I don't know if I LIKE IT... but I do love THE CHOREOGRAPHY!

Her LATEX PRIEST ROBE AND GUN BRAS-LOL! And the woman KNOWS how to choose HER MEN... HEHE.

SO... It was definitely WOW and GAGA has once again DRAGGED THE BOUNDARY into ... TERRITORIES. Truly GAGALICIOUS!

P.S. I'm actually using paragraphs now because ONE OF MY AWESOME NERD FRIENDS advised me TOOOOOOOOO... WOOOOOOOOOH


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