Saturday, October 22, 2011

Can't sleep. So I'm on Youtube, watching TRAILERS and then I thought 'hehe, let's type in IN THE LAND OF BLOOD AND HONEY' for fun. It's funny, really. I've been tracking it for months and just when I stopped... it's a JOLIE miracle! Jolly, get it... oh never mind.

That's the link if you haven't seen it!!! I'll just briefly note my impression of it. For some reason, there's a hint of 'Clint Eastwood', which is plausible - he did direct one of her best films (CHANGELING). Also The trailer is quite classy, in terms of the set up. Red writing , white background... you can't go wrong (unless the words say Twilight Saga). The music is great too, and it varies quite extensively over the 2 minutes (or so), projecting different shades and atmospheres. So, naturally, the film seems, THANK GOD, complicated and provocative. There's that RAW, GRIM and MORALLY AMBIGUOUS layer, and then there's the 'SIMPLE' LOVE STORY... lots of pain and a hint of joy. If the film is as the trailer advertises, it will be great... if I'm right, which I doubt I'm not, the film will show the MACRO scope of war, but really accentuates the intimate emotions. Basically, the perfect formula. If done right we will hear this  'and the Oscar nominations for best director include ... ANGELINA JOLIE'.

FINGERS CROSSED! Another thing is it really doesn't look like a melodrama, and I hope it isn't. Sure there's crying and screaming, but there are 'subtle' and 'quiet' moments where an expression tells you everything. The performances are quite compelling... so far... and the English is perfectly understandable (the accent is actually rather nice).

Anyway, I LOVE Angelina Jolie and I TRULY HOPE this will be a great film. I have a feeling it will divide opinions, as truly provocative films should. Bottom line, loving the trailer and ULTRA SUPER PROUD of Angelina Jolie (we're not friends HUHU, but might as well be hehe).


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