Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Greetings strangers... or not-so-strangers (does that make sense?)!

Yes I haven't reviewed anything in A WHILE. The sad fact is that I do not have the resources (TIME) to strut to the cinema and buy an $11? ticket and sit my ... down for two hours to watch a newly released film EVERY MONTH. SO, all that I occasionally watch are awesome classics and BRILLIANT films (that were released last year or early this year). Hence... my lack of posts. Obviously because there is no point (in my opinion) of reviewing films that most people have already seen... or is there? ANYWAYS, I have decided to start a new 'thing'. I like to call it PROJECT PSYCHO.

Everyone is intrigued by psychotic 'villains', as for me, I 'love' them.

This month's psychopath is the wonderfully iconic Annie Wilkes (the character that gifted Kathy Bates with her well deserved Oscar). Annie Wilkes is, of course, the antagonist of Misery (an adaptation of Stephen King's novel). I have to lower my head in shame and admit that I did not view this film till recently, but I guess it's for the best because Kathy Bates as Annie Wilkes is NIGHTMARE-INDUCING. OH YES!

Wilkes is not just an overly obsessive 'fan girl'... no no no... she is A MURDERER, and I don't mean a 'circumstantial' murderer (that is, one that murders to save one's own neck or something along 'the crime of passion' line). She loves to murder. She lives to KILL. She kills EVERYONE, well not everyone, but she doesn't spare children... in fact, the bulk of her victims are BABIES. Now I don't love children, but killing them is JUST SO WRONG. The most creepy thing is that Kathy Bates switches 'mode' with ease: one minute she might be a sweet nurse, then an obsessed fan girl and then may be A BLANK FACE creep with A SHOT GUN. This 'switching' is so efficient that half-way through the film, you're scared of her 'kind nurse' face.

The beauty of Bates' performance is that it supports her 'memory lane', we hardly see any murdering on screen, but when we find out that she is a SERIAL KILLER... all we say can is 'well, saw that one coming' even if we didn't. I do this a lot. I mean, I don't. Oh whatever.

Now, I know I get frightened easily and I get nightmares ALL THE TIME, but I can never look at Kathy Bates the same way again. Yesterday, I was googling Wilkes to check up some 'detail' of the film and seeing her 'kind' face scared me... yes, this is like DANCER IN THE DARK all over again.

To end it, Misery is a great film (you may not realise this as it leaves you overwhelmed with uneasiness) and if you haven't seen it do take the time to SEE it... but if you want to be an author and desire to view a psychotic thriller I suggest something else a little less haunting (maybe Hitchcock's PSYCHO). Wilkes, as scary and cold-blood as she is, you can't help but feel sorry for her... it's not her that's doing it, it's her inner PSYCHO.

P.S. We all have that inner PSYCHO... some of us cages it better than others do or I'd like to think so, because one Annie Wilkes is thrilling/horrifying enough.


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