Saturday, August 7, 2010


GREAT directing, MAGNIFICENT art directions, MARVELLOUS visual effects, WELL-BALANCED script and a NEAR-PERFECT CAST. INCEPTION has it all. Everything that we ask of a film!

Christopher Nolan's works speaks for itself. He's a master of his arts and knows exactly how to conduct his audience. If he wants us to gasp, we will damn well gasp! But of course, where would he be without his talented editing team and HANS ZIMMER'S epic score. The film's cinematography is TO DIE FOR, but it would be nowhere without this astronomically explosive score.

The script is well-paced and action-packed. It's not just a series of shooting scenes, but rather a sweet blend of humour, 4-D events and unbelievably like-able characters. What makes it slightly scary is the credibility of this outrageous idea, though difficult to grasp the concept seems so unnaturally plausible. A script that pushes all the boundaries without pushing us over the INSANITY line.

And the cast...

Let' start with Leo: simply convincing, so convincing that I have not even pictured another actor in the role. He once again proves that he is a mega-star in the thriller genre. He drives the plot with ease, and blurs the fine line [between dreams and reality] so effortlessly. That's right Jack, you will never sink!

Ellen Page: It seems like the role is written for her. She is exquisitely fantastic and naturally perfect. She's WOW on every level, may it be a dream or reality.

Marion Cotillard: One of the most (if not the most) difficult role in the film and she does it so elegantly-it's creepy, but that's also because her character is slightly creepy. And my god do I love her FRENCH accent and no one has eyes as dazzling as this woman does! No wonder Leo's head over heels for her (in the film).

Supporting Male Cast: Charming, cute, believable and smart. The supporting male cast is extraordinary, they make even the seemingly not like-able characters likeable. A series of down-to-Earth performances that brings essential comic relief and conviction to the film. And some of them... delicious eye candies ( JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITTTTT!)

It is a must watch film that really does put the T in THRILLER. Once again Nolan fails to NOT deliver. A dreamy PHENOMENA in its' own right!

P.S. there was NO sex in it... so you see IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE A FILM WITHOUT ADDING SEX SCENE(S).


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