Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hello readers,

 I think I have successfully attached a YOUTUBE video to my post... it's a miracle!

Anyway, time is NOT on my side so I'll do this quickly.

What a great use of sepia tones!? And who knew they had white picket fences in Vietnam, of course they wouldn't stay white for very long...

This is a newly released music video of  My Tam, you can pronounce it as My Time I'm sure her perfume/fashion brand won't mind. Never mind that her voice is flawless and angelic, or that she's gorgeous, but NEVER has a cliche' love story moved me SO MUCH.

I obviously love her and all of that, but the acting chops she exhibits in this short video is really something else. What I truly love is that our diva only *sings* at the climatic moments, essentially using the chorus as poetic dialogue. Oh yeah!

Of course, it would NOT make it onto my blog without being visually and AUDIBLY pleasing. Yes, I ain't British and I don't have an OSCAR, but I'm still a snob. Hehe.

Something I DID NOT  do whilst in Vietnam, how dull!? Thank god this was only the START, which she is trying to PRETEND she never had.. see what I did there? *sly smile*

Anyway the song is creating a feverish craze in Vietnam and, apparently, is quite HOT on Youtube.

I hope you enjoy it, the LIVE TRANSCRIPT (in English) is extremely helpful. Also, in case you missed it, it is a beautifully composed and quietly heartbreaking love song. PERIOD. For extra emphasis.

Another elegant and silently tragic shot. 

P.S. Here is the actual link if you LOVE it or moi, then PLEASE drag your well-toned behinds to YOUTUBE and click LIKE. If you HATE it and want to express your displeasure, you are most welcomed.

Love y'all.


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