Friday, May 11, 2012

No, this post isn't about Christopher Nolan's Insomnia, and I can't make a witty remark in relation to the film because I have yet to see it. I don't actually have insomnia, I just can't sleep... right now, and whilst I am in this state, I have decided to blog DAILY. So, the posts will probably be short. I will probably cheat and just post impressive visuals, which will of course be accompanied with my own commentaries, because I'm too egotistic to stay silent. *Cue to laugh*

This post is about visual seduction, not that it isn't clear from Marion's sexy smile. AH! Those eyes!!!

I thought I'd write a whole post about THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, but no! All I wish to say is that not Bane nor any collection of villains would be half as enticing as Heath Ledger's JOKER. Period. Rest in Peace. Though, I am ecstatic that Marion Cotillard will be gracing the screen with her presence, isn't it funny that half the cast of Inception incepted the Dark Knight trilogy. Hysterical, right!? *Cue for hysterical laughter*

Anyway, what I really want to blab about is Zhang Yimou's visuals. For those of you who DO NOT know, he is the master behind such masterpieces as Raise The Red Lantern (1991) and Hero (2002). He is acclaimed for his striking, stylistic visuals, and I have to personally thank him because I exploited Hero for one of my final High School essays. I don't think I have the CONSCIOUSNESS to actually critique his work, but these stunning images will speak for themselves.

Maggie Cheung. Stunning. Enigmatic. Perfect shot.

Something beautiful and vulnerable about Gong Li in this shot. I think my Grandma, the person whom gifted me with posing skills, has a similar portrait, I shall upload it if I happen to stumble across it.

This is another shot of Gong Li. Simply captivating. If I type anymore, it would be incomprehensible... and... NEXT!

Needed a shot with a male... starting to feel sexist.

Yes, I'm still CONSCIOUS enough to know I have covered this scene, it's just too beautiful to ONLY post once.

I think the word says sword, but imagine that it says BYE! Devilish dreams, beautiful nightmares and etc...

P.S. PLEASE check the blog daily from now on, and thank you for being seduced by these visuals, it means that AT LEAST you have scrolled through the post. If the visuals excite you, leave a comment, if they don't, DEFINITELY leave a comment.


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