Friday, May 16, 2014

I use monster with earnest admiration. Not adjusted for inflation, Frozen is just about to surpass Iron Man 3 as the 5th highest grossing film of all times!

I admit that the last act underwhelms, lacking the emotional weight that Disney classics have. However, it is an undeniably dynamic film - visually and musically - with a warm and pure heart, which has awakened our inner child.

Marvelous illustrations of snowy sets and hues of blue are particularly masterful in highlighting the story’s nuances. Though, of course, the picture’s soaring success is in its music.

Whilst Kristen Bell radiates doe-eyed innocence and vulnerability in Do You Want to Build a Snowman? and For the First Time in Forever. The free-spirit of Frozen is resolutely belted by the wickedly talented Adele Azeem (oops I mean Idina Menzel) in Let It Go, which of course has been adapted to be the new anthem for everything, everywhere. 

Frozen does what it sets out to do. It thaws hearts, and just happens to make a billion dollars in the process. Even I, however pretentious, can't dismiss the greatness of such success. 

P.S. I apologise for crushing the 100 word threshold, then again, it's my blog!

Love y'all


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