Monday, January 30, 2012

This is an excellent dramedy, with a stellar cast and a tender heart.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is adorable, he's simply too cute and likeable. This is, by far, the best performance YET in his career, I emphasise 'yet' because he will deliver other performances with as much tendernesss and nuance. This performance, like this film, is the perfect blend of sarcasm, humour and heartfelt drama. The film can easily make you laugh one moment, only to tug at your heartstrings the next. Superb.

Anna Kendrick, who plays the young, socially awkward, but sweet psychologist, has something very Amy Adams about her, and she's just as talented. I think she can easily relate to this character; they're both new to their fields and are searching for their footing. Rest assured, they've both found it by the denouement of this film. Of course, Kendrick already impressed the critics with her performance in UP IN THE AIR, now she has impressed me.

Anjelica Huston delivers a hilarious, yet touching performance as an overly-concerned and stern mother. She is, after all, one of *the Greats* and she rocks the short hair. Just saying.

Bryce Dallas Howard, who was fascinating in THE HELP, is quite interesting here. She's the girlfriend that cheats, so naturally, you want to hate her. Though, you see her side, it MUST be extremely difficult to take care of a cancer patient - the film reminds us of this - and she seems as though she is genuinely TRYING. She tries, she's sorry and she wants to help. She cheated. Who can you blame?

The facts are cancer is a TERRIFYING and indescribably HORRIBLE disease; smoking is fifth leading cause of death; and this is an amazing journey and everyone should see it. When life hits rock-bottom, you have no choice but to look towards the feeble light. So whilst you're engulfed by the intense darkness, hope and humour are the only things sustaining your dimming will to live. Life, even in its most tragic moments, is a dramedy, and this film captures this entirely.


P.S. I will be reviewing David Fincher's The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo soon, and GROSS, Kendrick was that Jessica girl in Twilight. I guess she has to include some bad films on her resume or people would be too intimidated to work with her.


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