Friday, July 1, 2011

Okay... if you haven't seen Alfred Hitchcock's PSYCHO, you may not understand why that snap shot is creepy, but I can barely look at it!

Norman Bates (creepily portrayed by Anthony Perkins) is a psycho. Now for those of you (those few) that may have not heard of OR watched the Simpson's parody of PSYCHO... Norman Bates has serious 'Mommy' issues. He takes the term 'Mommy's boy' to a whole new level, which explains his obsession with taxidermy (reproducing dead ANIMALS for display); being a true 'Mommy's boy', Bates is quite handy with stitches and KNIVES!

Similar to Kathy Bates' Annie Wilkes (last month's psycho), Anthony Perkins' Norman Bates shifts 'modes' with ease. However, 'he' only has two 'modes', and [once again] these 'modes' reflect his undying love for his 'Momma'; notice UNDYING. Why is this psycho special? First of all, anyone living in an 'empty' mansion adjacent to his virtually non-existent motel business... definitely needs to see Dr. Phil. So obviously, even in his 'natural' mode, he unsettles the audience with his strange hospitality and his unexpected outbursts of RAGE. Okay, this is giving me chills... bottom line is... he's psychotic; Perkins' performance is compelling and at times you will be forced to cover your eyes with the remote (especially at the end).

*Shudders*... thinking of 'his' two distinctively different 'voices' and his direct stare... GASP



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